Controversial Instagram removal: “Don’t let anyone define who you are”

With Chloë – Como, 2023

After having being asked to remove a series of images from my Instagram profile, I decided from now on to keep track of all the images I removed on this blog that become a kind of time machine where everyone will be able to enjoy some of my work in a uncut and uncensored version – just the way I created it.

I was so sad to remove this image that reminds me of a beautiful sous and few days we spent with Chloë to create some artistic work. Here we were trying to describe an important concept: don’t let anyone define who you are. And, by the feedback we had we apparently succeeded.

When publishing a new work I always look for images that should be accepted by Instagram’s AI Censorship as I do not really aim to offend anyone and I like to remain within the community guidelines.
Usually I succeed.

But AI is not so intelligent (luckily). Even when I appeal and hopefully an human evaluate the image, rules can be interpreted in different ways. At the end I decided to remove all the images that they ask me to remove as I don’t want them to close my account again and loose all my connections.

Seeing that AI consider it offensive is so sad, especially when I daily find real sexually explicit contents on the platform that, for some inexplicable reasons, are able to pass the algorithm.

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Published on June 7, 2024 got 452 likes and it was removed on July 27, 2024.

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© Ugo Grandolini