A message to a daughter
I was about to finish the first look at the last session with Anastasiia and, suddenly, got a new song in my feed: “Dieu est grande” by French singer Youssoupha and he immediately got me, even without understanding most of the lyrics…
So I made a quick search to find the lyrics and translate them to Italian first and English right after.
Magically I was looking at one image that could fit, in my opinion, the message Youssoupha is spreading with this song. A woman, a daughter, looking at me with a look that is full of questions:

Here a couple of verses, messages to his daughter, Imamy
Don’t listen to fears and smooth talkers
Moralizers, their hearts are small
They have this way of asking for forgiveness
Forgiveness to God and never to the victims
We can love each other without always agreeing
We can help each other even if we barely know each other
If you have children, teach them first
What you would have liked for you to teaches you
Hey, you don’t have to be an ordinary girl
You don’t have to be Michelle Obama
You don’t have to want to be a mother
You don’t have to want to be a queen
Don’t listen to men, don’t listen to orders
Don’t listen to codes that say shit
Learn again, to love your body
To love your curves, to love yourself
I cannot agree more!
Music is a really important place where I find inspiration. There is always music in the background when I create images: I simply cannot live without music!
I’m not a fan of current music but I don’t mind to listen, every now and then, the suggestions I get. And this suggestion was totally right: I already had a look for other music by Youssoupha and will definitely listen to more of it. Also because I love the sound of French as a language and we like to see on Netflix French series in original language with Italian subtitles.
This year 99% of my muses will travel from France to create with me. Listening to music in French helps me to get closer to their everyday vibration, even if I don’t really understand the meaning.
It is difficult to explain, you have to trust me on this.
The lyric of “God is great” is a message I share and goes against the flow. The song is already in my favorites and it is something that I will definitely use in future sessions while creating some great nude art.
“God is great” is marked on Apple Music as [E] explicit content – something I don’t really understand is where is a problem with the lyric beside, maybe, the fact that is doesn’t really follows the system…
Evidently even musicians have to face the problem of censorship which is always ready to limit the freedom of those who think with their own head. Something we have in common and that I would gladly do without…
Now go and listen Youssoupha’s vibe on Apple Music or YouTube and let me know what you think in the comments here below.
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