In my images I always try to represent the essence of the soul of the one who is in front of the camera.
To my eyes none of them is just a “model”, it would be too limiting as a definition, it would be like reducing a soul, pure energy to something confined, earthly.
Each of them is first and foremost a Woman.
A muse whose own emotions, feelings and history inspire and guide me in further inner growing.
I ask each these woman who comes to create images with me, to bring her own selves above all. Clothing and makeup are just secondary.
I’m not looking for “poses”, I’m looking for moments of a life lived, real emotions, letting their energy flow without fear of being judged. No shame of wrinkles, moles, scars or stretch marks... all “signs” a life path; signs that make each of them even a more unique being, perfect and perceptible to all those eyes that can “see beyond”.
I’ve been lucky enough to have met women who, with their powerful intuition, have immediately understood my vision and have had no problem laying themselves bare – and I mean not “only” physically – in front of my camera.
Despite the fact that we have never met me before…
Short illustrated story of a nearly photographer, about how my journey into the world of photography began...
Interview for Nudeartzine
Download Ugo Grandolini’s Bio