We live in a society where photos are mostly viewed on a screen – sometimes even a very small one.
I believe this is a big limitation which prevents photography from fully expressing itself as an art form.
The opportunity to offer series of images printed on paper through a low-cost magazine is my way to promote and support the culture of printed photography, an ideal that we see as attainable even in times of technology, or perhaps because of it.
In the “nudeartzine” series I prepared 30 issues: each volume is dedicated to an international photographer creating artistic nude art images. 30 different styles.
Volume 00 of the series was the test volume and includes my images.
Each volume size is 15×23 cm (6×9 in), 40 pages per issue, soft cover and is available on Amazon at 8,50 Euro (9.99 US Dollars) and, for Prime customers, with free shipping: practically the price of a drink!
Visit the dedicated web site “nudeartzine”
Follow me on Amazon