Leaving point A to reach point B and ending up to point C
At the beginning of last year I spent almost a couple of months in hospital due to a series of issues. After they let me get back home, I had to stay rest and wait to be called to get a surgery able to fix one of these problems. Doctor said that usually it can take up to one year. While waiting I had to wear a catheter, a physical pain, the only temporary solution to that problem.
As you can imagine I wasn’t able to organize any session and had to cancel all the ones already in agenda. So I had a lot of time to think about what I’ve done so far and where to take my photography once I could start creating again.
Some theories states that we build our future by saying what we say: I guess this might be also applied to the language of photography.
As a matter of facts in the last years I represented mostly pain, desperation, the dark side. This is certainly due by the duality I live by being sometimes totally under the ground and sometimes on the stars – my black and white… Moreover, many of the muses I met were somehow struggling with their lives, in the months preceding or even at the time of our session.
While I was in bed, rehabilitating after the surgery, I’ve seen an episode of The Amazing Race where the participants had to interact with some clowns in a circus in order to be able to proceed in the competition. All these clowns were wearing the classic red ball nose and I’m not sure why I had the feeling that I needed to use a nose like that to create a series of portraits with smiling people.
This could end up in becoming a book, a series of prints, I still don’t know. But the idea to represent smiling people is a way, a tentative to create an happier future for me but also for all people looking at these images.
Thinking twice clowns seem to me sad, and that sadness is a great way to represent the consciousness that, even being smiling, having fun, we should never forget the ones that are less fortunate than us.
Again is a matter of duality: sadness and happiness – again black and white, that perfectly fits my vision and that I use most of all the times to represent my truth and, ultimately, who I am.
I ordered a series of red ball noses but received them too late for the first full session after the surgery, that took place at the end of November 2024. However, yesterday we organized a mini one-day session with my Friend and beautiful muse Anastasiia: the perfect occasion to use one of these noses!
This morning I started having a first look at the session to get an idea about what we were able to create – as soon as I’ve seen the image here below I decided to post produce it in Photoshop the same way I do when I work at one of my more serious portraits.

As you can see in this image, Anastasiia does not smile at all however it is perfect to represent another concept…
We have other images with the red nose where she is smiling and that will take us to destination point B – but the meaning of this post is about how sometimes an idea can take us to a different place than the one we thought – point C precisely.
Here following is the meaning, my meaning of course, everyone can see their own meaning, their own truth – and everyone is welcome in doing that!
I see a lot of people that think that fashion can make them more beautiful, more attractive – and sometimes this might be true.
But, we are living our lives running too fast and for some of us, actually many, this lead living at a more superficial level ending up in becoming accessories to the fashion rather than the opposite. At the end it becomes only matter of showing other that we are beautiful for something we buy – and have the power to – and that we actually use to hide who we really are: a complete non sense from my point of view.
Actually behavior was one of the reasons why I started creating nude art: to show people their true beauty, their inner light. We all have it, sometimes we forget it by living on this planet, where the system manipulates us in order to separate us ending up in making us modern slaves without (visible) chains.
And this is the reason why Anastasiia (or me in her body if you like) does not smile in this image.
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