I started this blog about one and an half year ago. At that time I was working most of my time on the Appunti di Viaggio (Travelling notes) project.
The project was meant to tell about stories of people in a series of books where we present my images alternated to text written by the people portrayed in the book itself.
A step further to “simply” creating images and this blog was created with the intention to offer more information about the project, start discussions about the stories and, possibly, find more people willing to share something that changed their lives.
Unfortunately the last book, was blocked by the co-author herself when, after more than eight months of hard work, it was ready to be published. We were telling the story of a really young girl being repeatedly sexually abused by her uncle since she was 6 years old.

The book includes a series of images where I was impersonating the raper: I can tell you that it was really a difficult experience to live…
Anyways at the end she decided not to publish the book as, meanwhile, she graduated at the university and she was afraid that this book can ruin her image when looking for a job.
You cannot imagine my frustration: I will keep the proof print as a reminder, for sure I learned an important lesson that time…
After that experience I found myself struggling to find people having a story to tell and willing to share it. So I stopped producing for that project, at least until I find the right people for the next chapter.
Months have passed by and we are now in Summer 2023, a lot of water under the bridge…
At the beginning of this year Amazon wrote me a letter asking to remove my books from their catalog as I’m not following their “community guidelines” including: “content that contains pornography or material we deem inappropriate or offensive” – leaving an ample range of contents to be removed as inappropriate or offensive are so vague definitions.
I refuse to believe that my images are falling in the pornography category, but we all have our point of views. You can find a definition of pornography, written by a moralist theologian on this page.
Anyways, the project Appunti di Viaggio (Travelling notes) is still alive and, whenever I will find a new story that the teller is really willing to share, I will keep producing more books – and of course publish them on a different print-on-demand platform.
But Appunti di Viaggio (Travelling notes) is also a good name for a blog telling about my path in the world of photography! And, as English is spoken by more people than Italian, it is wise at this point to switch this blog language to English.
So, if you are interested to see what is going on, bookmark this page or add the RSS feed to your feed reader.
I will try to post regularly pending on what is going on in my path in the beautiful world of photography.
Thank you,