il mio nudo

I’m always looking for muses with whom to create images: the more I produce, the more I learn and the more I grow.

I like growing up, I like it a lot.

Sometimes when I propose a session to a muse who doesn’t know me, I hear that she: “is not a model”. And that’s fine for me, I immediately explain that I am not looking for models but Women with a beautiful soul and, perhaps, with an interesting story to tell – which for “Appunti di viaggio” has become a real requirement.
She also told me that she was not a model and, after explaining that for me it is not a problem but a positive thing, we agreed for the session. We were going to produce images for the “Freedom” project: artistic nude in the woods – a lot of courage, I thought, at the first experience; at the same time I was happy as I always am when I meet Free women, without false modesty who honour me with their trust in a world full of wolves ...

I never thought that a volume would come out of that session, and what’s more for another project!

The story continues in the paper version available on Amazon at a price of 8,50 euros (shipping included for Prime customers).

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